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Exhibitor Information

SETUP HOURS AND INSTRUCTIONS: Setup on the day of the event – Sunday, September 10, 2017 – will be from 7:30 a.m. until 10:00 a.m. Upon arrival at the Farmers Market please first stop at the Exhibitor Registration booth – booth #71 – to receive your registration packet. Please do not move your belongings to a booth until you have checked in at booth #71, as there may be last-minute changes in booth assignments. All booths must be set up and ready to receive the public by 10:30 am. Vehicles will be allowed into the Market for early unloading only.  No exhibitor vehicles will be allowed in the Market area after 9:45 am. We recommend that you bring your own handcarts to expedite set-up. PLEASE NOTE that booth numbers face inward toward the market aisles. Numbers posted on yellow signs facing the parking lot refer to parking spaces and do not correspond to the booth numbers.


TEARDOWN HOUR: Teardown begins promptly at 5:00 p.m. Vehicles will be allowed back into the market area at that time--please be safe and courteous to those around you. Please leave your space as you found it: all trash should be removed, and the space should be clean. The rental company will arrive at 6:00 p.m. to collect their tables, chairs, and equipment. The tear-down team will start consolidating chairs and tables for pickup promptly at 5:00 p.m., and all tables and chairs must be cleared and ready for collection no later than 6:00. PLEASE NOTE: Early teardown could result in your not being able to participate in future Kerrytown BookFests.


BOOTH ASSIGNMENTS: Booth assignments will be sent via email to all exhibitors in August. Whenever possible we try to comply with exhibitor requests for specific booths – or to be located next to specific exhibitors – but we make no guarantees. We must balance all exhibitor requests with the overall needs of the BookFest, so at times we will not be able to fulfill your request.


BOOTH DESCRIPTION: Each booth space is at least 5' X 7’, is covered by a metal roof, and is raised 2" to 3" above the parking lots. Booths face into a covered aisle, but the back is open to the weather. One 6' table and one chair are provided per booth. If two or more people are sharing a single booth, you will need to bring additional chairs. PLEASE NOTE: internal aisle ways must be kept clear by order of the Fire Department, as must the public sidewalk on Detroit St. Several booths also have been left open to allow visitors to move between venues. Please to not place displays in these areas.


WEATHER PREPARATIONS: THIS IS MICHIGAN, SO PLEASE PLAN ACCORDINGLY. Bring plastic, weights, and bungee cords in case of rain and weights (balloons filled with sand, large stones, etc.) to hold down light materials in case of wind. The center aisle, booths 70-89, can be particularly windy. If your booth faces north (toward the Kerrytown Shops building), you may want to bring a sunshade--as the sun heads toward the west, it tends to beat down on that section in the afternoon.


BOOTH SITTING: While we would love to have enough volunteers to help cover your booths when you need to take a break, we are unable to do so. All BookFest volunteers will be busy with other responsibilities throughout the day. If you do not have a second person to help cover your booth, we would encourage you to get to know the exhibitors next to your booth early in the day, so that you can help out each other.


PARKING: After you have taken your gear to your booth, you may park in several locations around the Farmers Market. The parking lot at Community High School across from the market on Detroit Street will be available, as will spaces at the lots on the opposite corners of Catherine St. and Fourth Ave. Parallel parking spots in the surrounding neighborhoods are also options. All parking – both on the street and in parking garages – is free on Sundays. A full map of parking options is available here:


FOOD, RESTROOMS, FIRST AID: There are several food options in the Kerrytown Market and Shops, as well as several restaurants in the district. However, most long-time exhibitors and BookFest volunteers have learned to bring a cooler with water and other beverages as well as snacks to get through the day. Restrooms are located at the Farmers Market Office and on the first and second floors of the Kerrytown Market & Shops.  First aid is available at the Farmers Market Office.


DISPLAY TIPS: To help create an exciting event, we encourage all of our exhibitors to extend the care and creativity that you show to your wares to the display of your booth. Table skirting and/or coverings, an abundant or well-composed arrangement, and clear, well-designed signage are just a few of the ways you can make your booth look enticing to visitors. If you have only few items, a single book that you've just published, for example, consider bringing it in quantity and using signs and brochures to help make an attractive display.


PUBLICITY FOR BOOKFEST: Please share information about the event on your social media networks.


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